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- Pear -


The Conference variety is the most cultivated in Spain and with the greatest organoleptic qualities. Large variety with russeting. It excellent taste and fine flesh make it a highly valued variety in the market.

Argonomic Characteristics

RIPENING DATE 1 to 10 September
POLLINATORS Barlet, Decana Comicio

Characteristics of the Variety

STORAGE More than 4 months

*The “Ripening date” refers to Logroño (La Rioja)

NOTE: The fruit of any tree will change from farm to farm depending on the farmer's cultural practices, particularly with regard to pruning and fertilising, as well as differences in soil and climate variations. In vigorous young trees the date of ripening and fruit characteristics will differ from those of mature trees. Over time, the normal characteristics of the variety will develop as the tree matures. Over fertilising young trees to increase the vigour, can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the fruit and or the productivity.

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