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- Olives -


It is a low vigour variety, with early maturation and very interesting due to its oil quality and as a seasoned fruit. It is rather hardy.


It takes many different local names due to the large amount of municipalities included in its cultivation area.


It is cultivated in the area surrounding the Central System mountain range, especially in the south, in Extremadura, also in Avila, Salamanca and Madrid (in the southern region of Las Vegas). It is also present in the west, in Portugal, although scattered.

Agronomic characteristics

Interesting low vigour variety, with an early blossom and harvest. Easy to pick due to its low attachment to the tree. It comes into production early, with a high and constant productivity. It adapts well to cold and poor soils, which are normal conditions in its area of cultivation. Susceptible to verticillium wilt and slightly tolerant to olive fruit fly and tuberculosis. When pruning, significant amounts of wood are eliminated, with a low leaf-wood ratio especially when destined to seasoned olives.


Leaf: flat, elliptical-lanced shape.

Fruit: round shape, flat base and round tip.

Stone: pointed tip and base, with apiculus.


One of the most popular table olives in Spain. The flesh is easily removed from the stone and has very appealing organoleptic qualities. High quality oil and highly valued, although with a low industrial yield. Low stability.

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