Variety planted between Alava and Navarra that has adapted very well to the local cold and dry conditions.
As well as its name given in Navarra, it is known as Hembra or Vidrial.
Exclusively in Alava and Navarra. Lower presence in Aragon.
Agronomic characteristics
It comes into production early, with a high and constant productivity. Medium vigour tree. Easy to pick due to its low attachment to the tree. Resistant to cold temperatures and drought. Not affected much by peacock spot, but more sensitive to tuberculosis and olive fruit fly. Subject to a peculiar pruning system in its production area: open growing habit with a low trunk and little wood.
Leaf: medium length and width.
Fruit: ovoid and symmetrical, with a round tip. Without a nipple.
Stone: elliptical, with pointed base and tip and ends in an apiculus.
Highly valued with a considerable oil content. Commercially successful in the areas it is produced.